Box culverts is a program developed for the design and analysis of reinforced concrete box culverts used for underpasses, subways, and drainage works . They can be rectangular, trapezoidal or any type of polygon designed on screen, as well as being single cell or multiple cell elements.
The design flow value is usually determined using software which analyzes the flow from streamflow gauges in the area and performs statistical analysis to determine a 1:50 year, 1:100 year, etc. flow rate as necessary. Alternately, the runoff can be calculated from rainfall for small (or urban) drainage basins.
Concrete box culvert design software
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ETCulvert is a FHWA program developed in conjunction with ACPA as a Direct Method of design for the structural analysis and design of precast reinforced concrete box sections. ETCulvert completes structural analyses for loads due to box weight, soil weight, internal gravity weight, live loads and user specified surcharge loads. The use of cast-in-place design methods for precast concrete box sections can result in costly overdesigns.View Product
The four Standard Installations are explained in American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) Design Data 40. These installations are for both embankment and trench conditions. Standard installations will provide enhanced installation performance as well as add economic advantages. By identifying suitable native soils for bedding, haunching and backfill, reduced costs of handling and trucking of waste material can be realized. Also expensive granular materials can be conserved.3 EB is the Indirect Design Method (SAMM) using the new standard Installations. Fill height tables for standard (indirect design) concrete pipe utilizing the benefits of the standard installations is provided by the American Concrete Pipe Association. These tables will simplify improvements to existing fill height tables commonly used by specifying agencies.
ERIKSSON PIPE is a FHWA program developed in conjunction with ACPA as a Direct Method of structural analysis and design standards of concrete pipe sections with circular and elliptical reinforcements.The latest version of ERIKSSON PIPE allows you to design concrete pipe in accordance with ASCE, SIDD (Standard Installations Direct Design) and AASHTO design standards for the buried condition, using the Direct Design method.View Product
Developed for indirect design of circular, elliptical and arch concrete pipe. This method incorporated the latest design method recommended by the American Concrete Pipe Association. New design parameters recognizing the improved understanding of soil pipe interaction such as the variable bedding factor and soil arching factor have been added to this procedure.
The Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia has been providing concrete pipe design and selection software to Australian and New Zealand specifiers for over 10 years. PipeClass v2.0.23, the most recent update of the program, is a Windows based software program for the design and selection of steel reinforced concrete pipe in accordance with AS/NZS4058-2007 "Precast Concrete Pipes" and AS/NZS3725-2007 "Design for Installation of Buried Concrete Pipe".
If end sections are proposed to be constructed other than by the MoDOT Standard Plans for cast-in-place culverts, it is considered to be a special design. Calculations and other proof of equal or better design must be submitted with the request.
These load cases are considered independently at first, and then combined with appropriate partial factors of safety to determine the design actions. Please note that effects of ground water and the pressure in the shell of the culvert when it is filled with water is an important load case too but was not considered in this post. We have determined the magnitude of these loads in our previous post, and we are going to apply them on the box culvert for Case A and Case B.
(1) Self weight: To be calculated automatically by Staad + 1.69 kN/m2 (self weight of asphalt wearing course)NB: In some cases, the partial factor of safety for self weight of concrete elements and other superimposed dead loads like asphalt wearing course might be different, so in that case, it is very advisable to treat each of them as a separate load case on Staad.(2) Vertical earth load on the culvert = 22.80 kN/m2(3) Traffic load dispersed as UDL = 59.523 kN/m2(4) Horizontal surcharge load = 5.0 kN/m2(5) Horizontal earth pressure load = trapezoidal distribution with minimum earth pressure of 11.40 kN/m2 at the top of the culvert and 33.25 kN/m2 at the bottom of the culvert
I am so happy I found your blog and I absolutely love your information about analysis-and design of box culvert using staad pro! I liked and it is wonderful to know about so many things that are useful for all of us! Thanks a lot for this amazing blog!!
Box culverts are a perfect match for Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC). According to the Federal Highway Administration, ABC is a paradigm shift in the project planning and procurement approach for bridge construction or rehabilitation to minimize onsite construction time. The result is a safer project with fewer traffic disruptions and impacts to the public. ABC offers many other advantages over conventional bridge construction including reduced environmental impacts and life-cycle costs and improved material quality and product durability.Consider these examples where box culvert design excelled for ABC:
This project consisted of the design of a 3 barrel precast concrete culvert to carry railroad loadings over a stream in Coffee County, Tennessee. The 3 culverts (15 foot span x 6 foot rise) were place side-by-side and were designed to carry a Copper E80 railroad loading.
How To Use This Guide This guide is a snapshot of information on software tools for culvert design and analysis gathered as of June 1998. To select a cost-effective software product that meets design needs, the reader can:
Objectives The objectives of this study were to provide background information on culvert design and analysis and to locate and inventory existing computer software for use in culvert design and analysis. Products were evaluated with two questions in mind: What does the product do, and how does it do it?
Because no central organized database for locating software exists, it was necessary to develop sources of software information. These sources included U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service personnel, private and transportation agency hydraulic and hydrologic engineers, online Internet searches of World Wide Web sites, software catalogs, literature and book reviews, trade journals, professional magazines and product literature. This guide is not a comprehensive list of products but does give a good overview of features found on current market products. The guide is not complete; new software is constantly being developed and current products are being upgraded, making a definitive comparison of culvert design software impractical.
According to Donahue and Howard (1987), the greatest source of error in culvert design is in design flow analysis. The complex array of variables that influence runoff, statistical uncertainties associated with hydrologic analysis, and a lack of comprehensive assessment methodology contribute to this error. Given this initial source of variability, a design goal is to minimize additional error wherever possible, particularly in the selection of culvert size and the determination of outlet velocity.
Design Phases Three phases are considered in culvert design. Phase one evaluates the hydrologic demands placed on the culvert. Phase two looks at culvert specifications and site considerations. Phase three evaluates culvert hydraulics. In addition to the American Iron and Steel Institute (1994 and 1995) handbooks on drainage design, Gribben (1997) and Ramsbottom et al. (1997) are comprehensive sources of complete culvert design theory with applications. The following schematic (figure 1) combined with terms in the glossary (appendix B) illustrate concepts and definitions used in culvert design and by the software products.
For culverts on steep forested wildlands, debris and sediment plugging cause culvert failure more frequently than peak flow capacity exceedance. (Furniss et al. 1998). Because the software reviewed in this guide incorporates flow rate as the initial design criteria, careful and judicious use of software for culverts on steep slopes is encouraged.
The allowable headwater depth (AWD) is the maximum depth of ponded water upstream of the culvert inlet measured vertically from the invert and controls hydraulic design. AWD may be determined by the depth of fill over the culvert, which is dictated by local topography, roadway geometry, and standards. Frequently, a headwater (HW) to culvert diameter (D) ratio is specified, such as HW/D = 1, which places the allowable headwater elevation at the inlet crown of the culvert. The choice of pipe material, shape, and size may be fixed by economics, availability, site conditions (fill, bedrock, bedload), and fish passage concerns (Gribben 1997). Site parameters important in the design of culverts include the length and slope of the culvert alignment, allowable headwater, fill depth, and effects on inlet geometry. Fill depth is determined by design loads, local topography, roadway geometry, and standards.
Phase 3-Culvert Hydraulics Culvert hydraulic modeling conventions assume that the flow through a culvert is steady and incompressible with constant density (Donahue and Howard 1987). The cross-sectional area of the culvert is assumed not to change. One of the software products evaluated will allow changes in slope within a culvert; otherwise, the slope is assumed to be constant. The capacity of a culvert can be affected by upstream and downstream conditions and by the hydraulic characteristics of the culvert. Combinations of these factors can be grouped into two types of flow conditions in culverts, inlet control and outlet control (table 2). These types of flow control can also be defined by the location of the control section at the culvert inlet or outlet. 2ff7e9595c